yest was d trip tat v hav work on it for few weeks ^^ it was hapi to c it success (so called)…bt lucky to c everyone seems enjoy d trip…hav to say sowie to everyone on tis trip…cz…ya…ter r alots of accidents hapen…tat even myself quite emo for a certain period >_< bt i recover super fast thx to starbucks lollipop…hahaha kiddy…
bt…lets jz keep those funny n happy memories rite…delete those desperating…confusing…n super mafan wan…haha throw u all d way to deep deep koh samui d!!!!lolz…
so v went bird park 1st…bt v hav divided into 2 groups…qi n fi left me T_T n for sure mr k is following tem lar…haiz..u noe lar…so i was wit jie…john…lin zhi lin n a bunch of frenz…ya..male frenz…i m d oni gal le …bt is kinda fun oso…cz u cant blif tat guys can do funy n stupid act oso..especially when u c d face of super model lin zhi ling…he so scare the birds…he try so hard to maintain a certain distance wit d bird…so so so funy…hahahahhaha i non-stop laughing …n d bird try to eat his icecream oso…he scream ere n ter…n the others ( called fren ) stand ter n snaping his pic…hahaha can use to blackmail him u noe…
finali i join my dearest qi n fi >_< miz miz u2…i tot v gona hav icecream together wan…btw….fi ate teddy…hahaha teddy u gt no chance to grab ed 1 from fi…kesian teddy…haiz..u choose another target lar..ed 1 is fi wan lar..i jz advicing u..lolz..continue wit d trip…
i manage to touch d cutie lil chic d!!!so hapy..soft soft wan le…yellow yellowish…when u touch will turn its head to u..den make sum sound lik ‘jit jit’..adorable…hahaha gona steal 1 go home d…so evil >_<
after d bird park …we went to putrajaya…wet land…ter wer smt hapen..accident…cz v contacted d wetland’s in charge person ady…bt tat feler claim tat wet land is open yest… was empty ter…no guide…suckz!!!!so v hav to change our plan…so drop everyone to alamanda to hav lunch…n it was late lunch…by around 3..i ady start gastric…n i order d wrong meal…nice…beef…hahaha n poor yi gang hav to (forced to) exchange wit me …thx yi gang!!!by appreciate his help so i treat him a lollipop..n out or 2 favour…lemon n cherry…i cant blif tat..he choose cherry…without thinking mor den a seconds..hahaha n this pic come along after he started to eat his starbucks lollipop…
geng le…tis pic was snaped by matt…n i ask him try to pull out d lollipop from yi gang’s mouth…n guess wat….he DIN wake up!!!!hahahaha ya…crime on yi gang is fun…
finaly v separate into 2 groups again…1 group went cycling around wetland n d others went kayak…so i choose kayak…actly i din choose…cz i dun hav a choice…balancing prob…i duno hw to cycling…noob me >_<
bt kayak was fun…hahaha my partner was jie…he is so kesian cz i keep on complaining him…
me:ui jie!!!u move ur padle le…
me:ui jie!!!y u keep let all d water cum inside…i wet lar…
hahahah…tats y today i m voiceless….hahaha ^^
qi story…qi is so hot !!!so many ppl wan to bcum her partner she hav to choose…n she scare to choose…duno hw to choose…so…she force john to b in 1 team wit her…d no 1 kesian partner n d on 1 kesian team for yest…cz…both of tem r all WET….tis is due to lin zhi ling…
sum personal msg for super model:e..u jealous john u make boht of tem wet lar…no gud lar u…ngek ngek ngek
y i said john kesian?d whole kayaking journey..he was scolded by qi..qi used all bad words in her life in a single day…hahaha included ji dan..ji dan gao…ta ma de…kanasai…n etc….u can heard qi scolding him far far away even though u r lik…erm…100m from tem…tats was funny…n fi..ya…i noe u suffer…sowie..mayb next time i shud let u partner wit jie…den i go for solo…sowie…sowie…haiz…sunburn le…spf 130 nt enuf v havent apply it nicely den john grab it n now!!!!oso haven return it to me lar!!!john tham..wat for u wan to keep my sunplay…yor…
kayak oso can take pic..lolz..
after kayak…v went sepang..v spend our lovely sunset period yell at each other to chat…hahaha…cz it is too noisy ter…bt it was my 1st time been ter… is big..n…my leg wana patah d T_T i keep imagining when i walk to d so called tower wer fi n qi ady ter to meet us…
i keep thinking…..
“if i m 5 yr old so dad can carry me n i nonit to walk….”
“if i m 3 yr old so i can slip in d baby carry thingy so i nonit to walk…”
“if i m 2 yr old so i can sit in d baby trolley n i nonit to walk…”
“if i m 1 yr old…wat!!!!!!wer gt ppl bring baby ere wan?!!!!”
btw..i reached d…qi was bz snaping 5 o’clock car (yellow car) while fi chating wit cjay…ya..cjay help fi hold her bag…tats interesting..ngek ngek ngek…so v again…start to snap pic ere n most of d pic r wit john n fi…so i oni can upload sum photo tats r wit me…in my lil white alw hang kei hp…hahaha
hapi hapi…
me n qi…
tis photo is precious..
v left sepang by 8…i guess…n wait for d bus to look out point…bus..ya..forget to mention smt very funy about d bus…v changed 3 bus for d whole day…hahaha 1st bus sekolah…den bus express…gud condition…n den..finaly…d bus hav to bring us up up up the hulu langat hill…so called bus express (10 yr ago) wit small tv tat playing bed time story…water leaking…window cracking….hahahah cute rite…interesting rite…bt actly v oso duno d bus condtion is lik tat…so very sowie time if v hav d chance again..v wil double confirm v stil manage to reach look out point…bt…is ady 9smt…
super hungry lar…i fast fast spot a table at gasoline..ask d gal to clean d table…v even adding tables n chairs by our own (moving table from others ppl’s table)…after order..v wait…n wait…n wait…i shud say tat i m d lucky wan…cz me..john..matt n peter are ordering set C…d 2 set came 1st…matt got 1…n i got d other 1…d 2 gentlemen keep on waiting until 12smt oni tey gt their dinner aka supper aka breakfast….
bt v did earn smt ter..ngek ngek ngek…
pretty horrible rite…n v start to play bingo ter…for d 1st time i share a pencil in tis game v r lack of 2ppl hav to share 1 pencil…n v hav to act fast…hahaha…n i seriously cant blif tat…tey r planing for d num filling of bingo box!!!cz normaly i jz plug in d num n try my luck…yi gang n matt were planing…n tey keep explaining to me d probalities in winning tis game..hw to plan ur num…n well…i smile…hahaha cz i duno hw to plan ^^
i was gastric again..last nite…cz i was too hungry…n after i eat…it pain until i wan to faint…bt i jz keep my smiling face…dunwan to let my fren wory lar…n cjay keep telling cold jokes…tat make me laugh alot…nt his joke tat make me laugh…it were everyone facial expression tat make me laugh…can u imagine…6 ppl (me,john,yigang,qi,matt,peter) switching our facial expression from our own …to ken’s famous oni 1 facial expression in a moment by d same time??? n i look at their looks all d same..n i cant help but laughing…n it hurts…super pain…gastric…
when v left gasoline n heading d bus…i ask ken wether he can do me a favour onot…i ask him to tail guard me n jie home…i cant drive in tat condition…so i wil ask jie drive my car..send me home..den ken send jie home…bt i jz ask…cz it is quite troblesome…if he say kenot…den i wil jz call romeo n c wether he can find sum1 cum save me anot T_T
for ask u stay so near to my hse…
bt jie is very kind…he said he can drive me home..n he can stay overnite at his fren hse (which near my hse) n den he can go n find his sis at counnaught d other day…touching T_T
so i reach hse by 2smt..super tired…n i found tat…my room is occupied…omg…2jie n 2jiefu sleep my room..n small room slept by kakak d (cz last nite dajie went clubing wit cousins)…so i go n sleep wit my mum…wer my cute lil niece…chloe..kicking me n hugging me after tat to sleep..i hardly i scare i hurt her..sweet…she tot i m my dad (she hug my dad when she sleep)…by 7am..she notice tat i m nt her lovely gong gong…n she kicked me =.=
ask me go away….sob…sob…i hav to move wit my pillows n blanket to d tilam…so kelian le…bt she kiss me jz now…when she wan to go kai kai…sumor she telling me smt tat i telling her every single day when i go to skul… go kai kai wit daddy mummy gonggong n popo…u stay guai guai at home dun naughty a….
ps:for more photo bout d trip..pls view at my fb ya >_<