Tuesday, December 27, 2011


once i click into my fellow friend's blog 80% of their recent posts are about the summary of whole year 2011…so it makes me start to have that thoughts ‘should i write one?’

indeed…after 8seconds i already give up…


i cant even recall what i’ve ate yesterday for breakfast do you think i can remember every single matters that happen in the whole year from january until december?

the answer is a big NO…

maybe i could share some significant issues that happen in december 2011…hehe ^^

i lost my son T^T

after a LONG discussion between papa n jiejie…they decide to trade in baby atos…and i was the last person who knew about this…i start to think how many years i spent with him…i think it was from my F4 or F5 days…mama hand over him to me in my F6 days and he officially become my beloved son in my 1st year of uni…

i only left him 1 trademark for so many years…i only hurted him once… (until mid of december 2011)

in one fine day…i lost in ampang on my way home…basically you can implant your own imaginations for this part…i was panic to dead…coz i had travel for around an hour and i cant see a single sign board in ampang area…seriously…i hate ampang =.=
and i accidently bump into a cement car…and i left baby atos a big injury on his head…after i reach home safely…dad told me the other day he need to hand over baby atos to the dealer…

i was shocked…i cant believe that its my last trip with baby atos…and i was so regret (i let him bump into other ppl’s butt)…


haiz…i miss baby atos alot now…right now i had a new partner…its ferrari’s brother kenari…i name it baby nana…its a boy btw…

other than this…one of the most significant in year 2011 is i dyed my hair in caramel brown (it came out more to golden)…finally i dyed my hair…and i touch up it abit yesterday…but now it become hazelnut brown…i have no idea what colour it will change to after 2 months…haha

basically year 2011 had been quite a nice year for me…i eat alot…play alot…sleep alot…making new friends…joining some camps and activities…wish everyone around me are satisfied with their year 2011 as well…

i feel good!!! i am going to have a great kick start for year 2012!!!
shh…lets wait and see what izit…i am not going to share it right now…ngek ngek ngek…

Sunday, December 4, 2011













我有在努力吃饭。。不用担心 ^^


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Movie review-Arthur Chirstmas

今天在上完了这个学期最后一堂lecture后突然大家即兴跑去看戏。。arthur christmas 是我对自己指定一定要看的一部片。。我没有看过它的trailer。。只是呆呆的被他的poster吸引了。。呵呵。。



从人物性格到场面到剧情到感动到笑场再加点教育性和christmas的感觉。。完全适合大人小孩情侣观看。。太多out of your imagination的东西了。。就连小小的 kelefeh elf 都可以各有特性。。

Santa 的小儿子。。是家族里少了都没关系的人。。热情与 christmas。。每天都活在担忧里。。渐渐担忧成了他的动力。。善良。。对santa超级崇拜。。

Santa的大儿子。。开场就被他的christmas tree 胡须吸引着。。太搞笑了。。会无端端穿起粉红色女人浴袍出现。。穿名牌。。爱科技。。拥有聪明的头脑。。爸爸爱的儿子。。专制。。等待接手santa职位。。犹如大清帝国太子般。。不太热衷于christmas正正的意义。。


Grand Santa
绝对不能错过的人!!退休的santa claus。。过着无聊的日子。。对一切身边的事物不满意。。尤其是santa和steve。。无时无刻怀念自己的向当年。。戏中的大笑点。。爱面子。。耍赖。。怕死。。爱逞强。。超级sarcastic。。。看着他死说africa是paris时我真的笑不停。。再来一个 they breed the elephants in the drain...笑到晕了。。

The marvellous wrapping elf..很执著。。一点wrapping上的破损都看不过眼。。拥有high tech的电话却只用来拍bow的照片。。坚持3 wrapping papers...3 tapes...and there is always time for a bow!紧接grand santa的第二笑点人物。。本人大爱他!!

整部电影都很好看。。故事很新鲜。。人物很有趣。。就连个鹿都可以好笑过人。。在我最近看的几部卡通中觉得最棒的一部。。我认为第二名是 Tin Tin。。第三是 puss in boots。。


i feel like christmas is really near after watching this cartoon…

ps:the movie opening you will see some one u really unexpected…that is…JUSTIN BIEBER!!! hahaha…i was kinda swt when i saw his mv appear in the cinema…after that only i notice he sang the christmas song for this cartoon…basically that song is not bad…

pss:i m not bieber fans >.<