romeo tat super luv his gf...hahaha funny face
the oni drinks i can enjoy at starbucks..sad....
today jz hav 2 hr basic me,fiona n xin qi r planing to go hunting for books today...well...v end up at sg wang (mph) n timesquare (borders)...
both of tem r nt local..fiona from penang n xin qi from i m d oni kl ppl tey was lik hoping me to bring tem to ter...from is my 3rd time taking bus in look at me..
lucky...v hav donica!!!she teached us hw to take bus to sg wang....thx alot gal..
so after class v take metro bus to ter...reach ter about 12smt...den i was lik planing to bring tey 2 hav lunch at kim noes v go all d way up n down in d mall...n i duno wer d heck is kim gary d...shud i say...i m lost...
i m so so so sorry to the gals....haiz (wat kl ppl m i) swt lar...
finally v hav lunch at lil taiwan...lucky tey2 is ok wit now i waiting for d ariver of he wan to buy a ring for his gf...n he need my help to help him choose lor...den giv sum opinion...sumor he owe me starbucks!!!! (MAIN REASON) consultation fees lar...ok...hahaha romeo treat me drink choc chip cream mar...n u noe lar...i lik to eat starbucks lolipop wan..den i buy 2 noe d cashier gal mistake d...key in 3...den she duno hw to correct it...she desperate d...i c her lik tat so i say is ok lar..i take 3 ....she very appreciate my goodness n giv me 10% offer tats ppl wil b return in d gud way....hahaha (perasan king)
after tat v shop at sg wang...n den go to timesquare..stupid borders dun hav d book i wan...stupid wan lar...i check at d website ter say gt...den go ter say dun hav...geram...sumor my leg very pain is hapi to shop wit d gals fiona is too funny n xin qi is too cute....oni c their action ady can make me non stop laughing (sot jor) n xin qi keep controlling fiona n stoping she from keep buying funny...she keep 'omg...tis wan so nice....i wan to buy it...yer...i lik tis lar...u think i can fit anot?'hahaha super funny lar...
den i decided to follow jiejie car go home...she finish work at 6.30pm...d time is ady i say i gona run...den i bring tem to d place wer v jump off d bus jz now...den v call donica to double confirm which side of d road shud v take d bus...den i walk from sg wang to pavillion...n gona to cross d bridge to uoa building..den kl conventional centre...den kinokuniya...omg...gona make it in 45min...(dun forget i hav to go back uoa T_T)
n d thing is...I LOST IN PAVILLION....crab
i duno wer d bridge is...i try to find...n read d map sumor...n...i giv up d...i go n ask d security guard...d guard laugh at me a...after tat i rush to kinokuniya...i was lik half running n half walking to ter...ppl muz b wondering y m i running in klcc...mayb gt ppl take my pic n send it to the star so maybe he/she can win the rm50....ahhaha (swt =_=")
den kinokuniya story...i standing infront of d book rak..thinking which book to my lecturer recomment a few i jz keep checking it...take it n put it back n take another...until a voice talk to me "is reali hard to choose right?" is a ang mo standing bsid me n smiling to he facing d same problem oni i notice actly b4 i was ter...he ady ter...hahaha
den v start to chat...he ask wether i m taking civil engineering n i ans no...after sum chat...v back to d begining pose again...both of us looking at d book rak...finaly i make my decision n grab d book i wan...n i wish him gud luck in book hunting n say tata to him...oh ya..he told me his name is mike...kinda tall n quite young (older den me lar) quite sweet smiling...n super hard for him to pronouce my name...pei seen >_<
after i leave...he stil in tat pose....hahaha funny guy...
den i run back to uoa...n get into my sis car....
tats all for today...1 mor fiona n xin qi v bought d same shirt...n gona to wer on d same day..muz b super interesting...hahaha cant wait to c others expresion next week....
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