Saturday, May 21, 2011


星期五那天说好了要颓废一天嘛。。连隐形眼镜都没有戴。。哈哈。。穿上颓废感最佳的装扮。。出街去。。回学校教intern forms。。然后哦。。遇到 elmo。。。我的analogue lecturer。。可能因为我戴了眼镜他不认得我。。不停的看着我。。或许他是没有看过近视那么深的人吧。。哈哈哈。。我近视九百度。。呵呵呵呵呵。。名副其实的‘盲侠’。。也有可能是因为我考太差了。。他想用他的眼神告诉我:你要repeat了! T^T


guards:erm…dun have this event wor…

receptionist 1:i m not sure about this..but i think dont have...

receptionist 2:this event was last year...








 P5201696很精致哦。。P5201697 宝藏啊!!假的 =。=P5201699 可怜的skull被塞tissue...P5201701 苯蛋1号。。



走了很多很多圈圈才找到我的baby atos啊!!!儿子啊~~不要跟妈妈玩捉迷藏啊~~娘很怕啦~~~




他们唱歌超好听。。喜欢歌而不是喜欢帅哥的k-pop fans都因该会知道他们。。



我:他们的歌很好听啦 T^T


ps:sowie my dear miff fellow frens…for not be able to join the gathering…will join u guys next time ya ^^

pss:will update on the parent’s day of chloe..kindergarten kids nowadays are super duple cute >.<

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


今天一早就什么都不对劲。。妈比平常无理取闹多言善辨。。可能我真的精神薄弱。。我驾车时。。可以不要挡着 side mirror 兼不停的喊煞车骂我吗?我对我的驾车技术还有点信心的说。。突然说你走错路。。不断地说你走冤枉路。。明明他说可以走的那条路是单边啊!!单边!!你要我怎样转进去!!拜托!!要parking时我以为那里有位。。怎知道被 motor park 了。。又中骂。。对不起。。我没有特异功能x-ray眼可以看穿那驾 avanza 隔壁有 motor 。。我整个人就很累。。很不舒服。。

下午4点多接到大姐电话说小侄女jolie在她爸家发烧到抽痉了。。连忙捉起 chloe 和妈就往大姐家跑。。收拾东西和寻找 medical card 。。然后就到医院去看可怜的小jolie。。

我可爱的 baby atos 啊~~就在这个时候坏了。。油门坏掉。。踩油也不会走。。吓坏我了。。虽然我驾车很慢。。时速60可是油怎么踩都不去也不行吧!!快哭了。。妈又不停唠叨。。我也不想。。我不会修车啊。。还好救兵来了。。我亲爱的伯伯带了修车叔叔来救我了。。然后哦。。神奇的事发生了!!!

baby atos 尽然可以走了 ~。~


衰仔!!欺负妈妈!!(不过我还是觉得有问题。。油要踩很多才走那一点快。。)搞不好限速才60 =。=

终于到了医院。。平时说话大大声不停喊着‘我要吃这个’的小女孩没有力气连我也不理会了。。还好之后还是用chicken sandwich成功引诱她开口叫人。。吃了东西之后还可以大声骂她那个抢东西的哥哥oscar。。应该没事了。。

今天见到她爸了。。很久没有见。。见到之后不知道要怎样称呼他。。chloe很快就跑过去抱着他的脚。。他以前很疼 chloe。。我有点不知所措。。只是继续和 jolie 玩。。

之后他也许尴尬。。就没有进到病房了。。我们离开时妈妈对着chloe说‘跟 uncle 讲 byebye。。’chloe 只是给了个奇怪的表情。。毕竟还小。。她不明白为什么姨丈会变 uncle。。我也不懂要怎样。。姐夫变路人。。以前一起去旅行。。一起吃饭的人。。突然连招呼都不知道要怎样打。。家庭树就这样又更变了。。过了几年我还是不习惯。。家里总是很多事。。幸福的时间好像都很短。。个人快乐很简单。。至少我 是。。睡了一觉好的。。我可以开心一天。。考试低空飞过我可以开心一个sem。。让周围的人都一起开心。。好像很难。。

Sunday, May 15, 2011


these few days i’ve been sleeping for more den 16 hr a day!!!is a battery charging after my final exam…hehehehehheeh

after having my last paper which is digital electronics…10 of our BI coursemates went for the ‘farewell’ lunch…nando’s…


everyone were bz discussing wat to eat…


beautiful meeyun n choiyan…


cute baby yuetfen,clever gal vicky,n our courserep joel..


my meal…angry mango chicken burger…hahahahaha

i’ve promiss to upload every food i took to show u guys how m i going to gain fat during my holidays rite..hahaha v will b start to intern on 23rd may…everyone will b intern at dif locations…mayb v will not b meeting each other for 5months …gona miss u guys!!!

the other morning…my cute mum woke me by 8smt in the morning…wat r v goin to do?hahaha tis is because i got the pineapple fever!!!not normal pineapple..but the owner of the pineapple house which located under the sea!!!

who~~~~~live in a pineapple under the sea????

DSC00266 DSC00268

v got ourself happy meal just for the toys!!!

everyone r crazy with the blue coke cup…while i m crazy over this spongebob collection…hehehehehe

today i went to watch priest with my fellow f6 mates…tis movie is too short!!i cant believe tat it was end just lik tis…haiz…bt i lik tis movie le…i dun hav the fancies over handsome vampires…bt the vampires in tis movie r very very ugly!!!!they got no eyes…with sticky skin and sharp teeth…oh ya…skin…no more diamond sparking skin ya!!!hahahahha

but i luv maggie Q very much…the actions r so so so yeng…mayb i shud spend some time looking over the comic for priest…the original storyline was from a famous korean comic…

i hav fun wit u guys…watching movie with kek is stil as fun as last time…when it was the climate of the movie…he keep stuffing his mouth with pop corn without chewing it…while i tot i put the pop corn in my mouth n start to chew…oni i relize…ter were no pop corn..hahahahahah

and thus…yoke xin aka 2sou a…u very bad wan lor…keep remind me of my intern dresscode…i’ve been keep thinking of it before exam n after exam n now u remind me again…working in the technical department reali do make me wonder izit i wil hav to dress as a technician…

dress up like tis????

Friday, May 6, 2011

life after final exam >.<

i start planning what i should do after my final for this semester…

it seems a little bit too early right? (fyi…i stil got 3 papers to go…my last day of exam is on 13th of may)…hahaha

we still need smt to ‘distract’ us in order to some how ‘relax’ ourself in the other way right…hahaha i just got a little bit stress out…

ok ok…next semester i have to start my industrial training…so i only got 1 week of holidays…only 1 week…so i really plan to fully utilise every single day…

the no 1 mission is SLEEP…i need a good night sleep…without alarmS which wake me up to continue my studies…i wan to marathon sleep for 1 whole day~~~~

after that…if possible…dun ask me dRive T^T i am ady jaming everyday to school and gona b jaming every single day to work next semester…so…baby atos…mummy is going to let u hav a rest…except v r goin kai kai…hahaha

and den and den…i wan to visit Levain!!!for the DURIAN MELON BUN…yes!!!just for this simple DURIAN MELON BUN…melon bun a melon bun…u got no idea how much i miss u during this exam war period…no other bun can fight with u…

after that…i wan to complete my hand craft…i feel so sowie for keeping my dearest xian to wait for her pencil case lar…guilty T^T and i m planing to get myself a pair of shoes…need some time to search for it…definitely not some simple shoes ^^

and…food…i need to eat…no…i want to eat…eat nice food and get fat fat…after become fei mui oni c how to diet…dun k d…and i wan to take a pic of everything i eat…lets c how much and wat can i eat in this sem break ya =P

and lastly…i wan to clean my room…paise…my room very messy now…hehehe and i wan to play with my cutie niece more often…v seldom talk eventhough v r staying in the same house…due to my final…tis morning b4 she went to kindergarten…she said she wan me to fetch her bk from skul…she just wan to spend some time with me…cute gal…of coz yiyi wan to spend some time with u as well…yiyi sayang…

hope everything can work according to the plan…nid to go back to eat my artificial organs’s notes lar…omona~~~~